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The corporate structure is an organizational chart that contains the job titles and reporting relationships. It's the chart that a company creates to define accountability and responsibility. It is an essential part of every company - whether it's a small startup or a global giant and plays a crucial role in assisting businesses to grow. It facilitates communication and clarity about a company's goals and the chain of command. Without a well-designed corporate management structure, organizations may become disorganized and confused.

Shareholders are the people who own the stock of a corporation and have a voting right to influence major business decisions. They are also able to withdraw their support in the event that they are dissatisfied with the direction taken by a company.

Directors are elected by shareholders to supervise the operations of a company. They decide on operation policies in addition to expanding the business and approving financial decisions. In addition, they can also appoint and dismiss management. Directors are accountable to ensure that the interests of shareholders are considered when making decisions.

Managers are those that oversee the day-to-day operations of a company and are accountable for meeting the objectives set by the board of directors. They are also accountable for keeping their board of directors up-to-date about the current status of the business and any risks that could be posed.

The matrix structure is similar in concept to the traditional line structure however it involves teams that are grouped around markets or products instead of job functions. This type of structure is beneficial for companies operating across different regions and industries, but can be difficult to scale.